2023 Winter Survival Action Camp

Event Date: December 27, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm Location: Fort Tuthill Military Recreation Facility
Address: Battalion Rd, Flagstaff, AZ, 86001

This is one of the funnest and best learning camps anyone can attend!  This is an excellent action camp: open to Royal Rangers in 8th grade or higher AND their dads.  The cost is $200 and there are only 8 openings for this camp.  Don’t get left out.

How does camping in a yurt during the winter time and making a snow shelter for you to sleep in (if you’re brave enough) sound?  What about learning lots about winter survival?

For a flier with particular information and schedule, click here for information.  For more information, call Commander Martin Scheutzow at 623-229-5896.

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